In addition to reviewing our existing materials to ensure they are up to date, we are continually updating our product line. If there is a subject you’d like to see, please contact us. Materials in English Cervical Cancer Screening: Pap and HPV Tests Chlamydia Genital Herpes Gonorrhea HIV HPV: A Guide for Men HPV and Pap Tests: Information for Transmasculine People HPV Vaccine Questions and Answers about HPV MGen NGU Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Protect Yourself and Your Baby from STIs Pregnancy and the HIV Test PrEP Syphilis Trichomoniasis Understanding Pap Test Results Vaginal Health We Can Prevent Cervical Cancer (Infographic) YES Means TEST Fact SheetSTIs in Young People Chlamydia and Gonorrhea: Common and Curable Preventing STIs with Doxy PEP Materials in Spanish (En Español) La Clamidia (Chlamydia) La enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) El Herpes (Herpes) PrEP Sífilis (Syphilis)—COMING SOON La tricomoniasis (Trichomoniasis) UNG: Uretritis no gonocócica (NGU) La Vaginosis (Vaginitis)—COMING SOON VIH (HIV) Podemos Prevenir el Cáncer Cervical (Infographic) YES Means TEST Fact Sheet YES Means TEST tri-fold brochure YES Means TEST poster (11" x 17") Printable Posters Syphilis Awareness Poster Syphilis Awareness Poster (Spanish) Pop Art Syphilis Awareness Poster Pop Art Syphilis Awareness Poster (Spanish) Syphilis Awareness Poster Syphilis Awareness Poster (Spanish) Syphilis and HIV: Make the Connection Poster